“I have had my Powerslide for approximately 10 years and have used it as a training supplement to compliment my running, cross-country skiing, and canoeing activities.
I have it at its full length and probably the most dramatic evidence I have that it has been very useful to me was during the 2001 cross country ski season. I spent a considerable amount of time developing the ability to slide entirely across the board on one foot with the idea that it would improve my freestyle or skating skiing where a flat ski is essential to maximum speed. When I competed in the Empire Games, which I won in both categories of skating and classic, I picked up about 10% extra speed, a lot of which I attribute to the ability to keep my ski flat on the snow for a long period of time which I directly attribute to the ability to go the entire length of the professional slide board on one foot.
Lately, I haven’t been racing skis as much but I still use it in five-minute blocks with the rest of my cardiovascular workout and usually manage to maintain a heart rate of between 130 and 140 with a reasonable cadence. I really love it and it is a nice change from just sitting on a rowing machine or a paddling machine. Usually, I will do the paddling machine for ten minutes, Powerslide for five, rowing machine for ten minutes, Powerslide for five, rowing machine ten minutes, Powerslide for five and so on until I have completed an hour and a half of cardiovascular. All in all, it is a great concept, it promotes balance, leg strength and I love it”